Attacks on the CDFI Fund: A Call for Solidarity

CDFIs should not only be writing to protect their certification, we must also join in with calls to defend free speech, protect immigrants, and preserve the social safety net. We must resist the urge to focus only on self preservation and instead broaden our view to center the threats faced by our clients, neighbors, and our country.

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Inclusive Action
Investing in LA's Black and Brown Women Mirco-Entrepreneurs

The Open Air Economy Collaborative joined LA Central Library to host a successful resource fair dedicated to supporting Black and Brown Women street vendors. This event offered a wealth of business resources, workshops, and networking opportunities to help these micro-entrepreneurs who often navigate the challenges of the informal economy alone. 

The day kicked off with a powerful screening of “Hollywood Vendor Film,” a documentary that…

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Inclusive Action
Refinancing is just the first step: a holistic approach to helping clients escape the debt cycle

This is the second post in Inclusive Action’s “Doing Capital Differently” series, offering stories, lessons, and tips to financial services and CDFI practitioners from our experience of providing capital to underserved communities. Subscribe to the series!

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Inclusive Action
Introducing IAC’s 2024 Voter Guide

At IAC, we advance economic justice policy by building the power of our clients, community partners, and historically excluded communities to break open opportunities in this economy, while also building the foundation for a new economy where all communities can thrive. The work to make a more inclusive economy happens in multiple spaces – in the community, in the legislature, and importantly, at the ballot box. 

That’s why we created an Inclusive Action Voter Guide this year, available in both English and Spanish! Our goal is to educate the public and increase their confidence by providing voter recommendations on state propositions and local ballot measures. We hope to empower and encourage folks to vote for policies that uplift economic justice and take into account the communities we work alongside.

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Inclusive Action