Our Impact

At Inclusive Action, we take measuring our impact seriously. We focus on strengthening local economies by problem-solving and commit to understanding what works and doesn't. Our goal is to scale successful solutions and iterate on those that need improvement.

Access to Capital

We’ve expanded access to healthy capital, strengthened microbusinesses and developed the workforce through our “integrated capital” approach. 

  • Microloans 

  • Microgrants 

  • Business Coaching

  • Wraparound services

Impact Areas


Capital Access

Our microloans and grants, paired with group and 1:1 business coaching, result in client credit building, small business formalization, stabilization and growth.


Workforce Development

Our lending and business coaching enable small business owners to create and retain jobs.


Business Strengthening

Our wraparound services strengthen businesses by empowering the people and families who run them.

Policy Advocacy & Legal Strategy

Through our expansive policy work, we’ve created laws, developed advocacy campaigns, and influenced policymakers through our approach to systems change.

  • Coalition Building

  • Legislative Advocacy

  • Public Program Implementation

  • Litigation

Impact Areas

To advance economic justice through policy, we build the power of historically excluded communities, break open opportunities in this economy, while building the foundation for a new economy where our clients can thrive.

Community Innovation

We’ve kept local businesses in place, improved our collective knowledge about informal and formal workers, fueled business growth through innovative investment, and turned community leaders into public health ambassadors.

  • Land/Real Estate Acquisition for Community Ownership

  • Participatory Research for Worker/Small Business Voice

  • Innovative Equity Capital to Grow

  • Organizing and Outreach to Build Community Power

Impact Areas


Creating Community Infrastructure

Our organizing and outreach creates power, solidarity, and expands resources within and across communities.


Paving Paths for New Models

Our incubation and prototyping yields new insights about how to design and implement programs to serve underserved communities.