Strategic Partnerships
Open Air Economy Collaborative
In 2021, Inclusive Action, Public Counsel, California Reinvestment Coalition, and East LA Community Corporation, established a partnership to support entrepreneurs in the “open air economy.” For decades, street vendors and other types of entrepreneurs who operate businesses in the “open air” have operated on the fringes of our formal economy. Permit processes are complicated or non-existent, and these “non-traditional” entrepreneurs have a difficult time accessing capital, coaching, and legal support to grow their businesses.
Catalyzed by a major, three year grant from JP Morgan Chase’s Advancing Cities initiative, this collaborative seeks to support Black and Latina entrepreneurs with programmatic support and capital to formalize their businesses. Inclusive Action and its partners are administering a variety of initiatives to support entrepreneurs in the “open air economy” including: low-interest micro-loans,business coaching and technical assistance, and legal support for permits and fine adjudication.