California Street Vendor Campaign

The California Street Vendor Campaign is the result of over 10 years of advocacy for street vendors in Los Angeles. The Campaign was formed in late 2021 to advocate for a change in the CA Retail Food Code, the law that governs how food is prepared and sold in the state. For years, street food vendors have been prohibited from obtaining a public health permit because the code was designed for restaurants and food trucks. Without thousands of dollars to invest in equipment and infrastructure, street vendors have been left to work on the margins of our economy.

The CA Street Vendor Campaign worked to introduce Senate Bill 972, a groundbreaking bill that will modernize the California Retail Food Code and create an equitable pathway for street food vendors to obtain permits, affordable carts, and access to permitted kitchens and safe food storage sites. The bill was introduced by Senator Lena Gonzalez and is sponsored by Inclusive Action, Community Power Collective, CHIRLA, Western Center for Law & Poverty, and Public Counsel.

Learn more about the campaign at and follow the campaign @castreetvendors on all social media platforms!


Los Angeles Street Vendor Campaign

A citywide effort to create a permit system for street vendors, Inclusive Action is helping to lead a campaign to help low-income entrepreneurs build strong businesses and take care of their families.

Inclusive Action was a co-founder of the LA Street Vendor Campaign (LASVC), a citywide effort that resulted in the legalization of street vending in 2018, and a statewide policy that decriminalized street vending throughout California.

Inclusive Action is continuing its role as a leader of the LASVC, focusing now on advocating for the equitable implementation of new vending rules in LA and throughout California.
